Business Solutions

Services and Business Solutions

Sometimes advances in technology make business more complicated than we really need it to be. In reality and making sure that you are well trained and properly setup this new technology will help you save time and money while making your business more flexible. With the expertize of Geoffrey Colwill he will be able to align new technology with your business needs for the present and into the future.

Business solutions that Geoffrey provide are

  • Business Systems Assessment
  • Getting Organized
  • Accounting Software selection
  • Software setup and training
  • Accounting System health checks
  • Troubleshooting
  • Related Software and App solutions
  • Mobile Payments and Invoicing
  • 1 on 1 Training

Business Systems Assessment

The first step to finding out what best suits your business is to have a good look at what you are currently doing and how can we do it better. With SmallBizFit you will have a world of resources available to you. SmallBizFit is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and an affiliate member of the State Chamber of Commerce and together have a great number of resources to draw upon. Sometimes it is a matter of having the time to find the information that you require and this is where Geoffrey can help.

We will get you organized and help you achieve the personal goals that you set for yourself in your business. Geoffrey has exceptional communication skills and will be with you every step of the way.

Getting Organized

Getting organized is the first step to making a change and moving with the times. Geoffrey will assess the issues that you are facing and make a plan to get you organized to achieve your goals.

Accounting Software Selectionlogos

Geoffrey Colwill is a certified consultant with both MYOB and Xero. Both are respected and widely used in the business and Accounting sectors.

MYOB is a leading accounting software provider in Australia and New Zealand, supporting 1.2 million small, medium and larger business.

Whatever your needs, MYOB offer a solution that lets you manage your relationship in a way that benefits you both.

Xero is the leading online Accounting package that allows you the freedom to conduct businss on the go, get paid faster with online invoicing, expense recording and bank feeds to speed up reconciliation.

SmallBizFit will find the solution that best suits your business.

Software Setup and Training

Once the correct software has been identified Geoffrey will help you with the setup to make sure that you have got it just the way your Accountant like it.

Taking the time to setup the Ledger is something that people often dont do. With goals for the future it is important to have the Ledger setup so that reporting is easily accessible when you need it.

Accounting System Health Checks

If you are happy with the Accounting packages that you currently have but need to get it fine tuned then Geoffrey will be able to help.


Any issues that are identified with you business systems will be dealt with in a planed way. All to often they lead to larger issues that can go undetected for some time. Don’t get stuck working in your business and make sure that you work on it.

Related Software and App solutions.

Keeping up with technology can be an endless task but having the right technology means time on your hands to do the things that you like to do. Knowing which one to choose and how to implement the software can take some time unless you have SmallBizFit to help train you and your staff. The results will be greater productivity and more time for you to work on your business.

Mobile Payments and Invoicing.devices

In today’s world, business opportunities are always on the move and your business will have to move with it. That is why SmallBizFit has a number of mobile solutions for you and your staff. Get paid faster with mobile invoicing and payment.

Both MYOB and Xero have the mobile online solutions for your business, making sure that they are setup in a way that compliments your accounting package and Accountant is where Geoffrey can help.

One on One Training.

The best type of training you can get is someone that takes the time to make sure that you are doing things right. The last thing you want to do is come back to the same job later and do it all again. Get it right and get it right the first time.